i really liked the waiting room. it kind of makes you really think about all the cometic surgery that women do in today's society. i mean now its so common and not really that big of a deal. honestly i didn't have anything against it before the play. i had my views of it because of what i saw around me and in the media and society. but now after the play i see how weird and stupid it is. when americans look at foot binding we just can't believe that women do that, it sounds so stupid and dumb to us. but when you look at it we are doing the same stupid stuff. we are chopping off our noses, sucking stuff out of our body and putting in water balloons for boobs. the play made you really look at the reality of it all. also having the doctors story in it too helped a lot. the doctor did nothing to be in the hospital he just got cancer and there was no way around it. all the women in the play were in the hospital because of things that they have done to themselves. i really liked this play and it reall got me to look at cosmetic surgery in a different way!
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