i cant believe this semester is basically over. i still remember my last night at home. my two best friends and i stayed at Callan's house until 3 in the morning not wanting to say goodbye. this is the first time that we havent gone to the same school sense kindergarden. Callan is now running track at unc. Kaitlin is all the way across the country at usc. i still remember walking home still not believing that in the morning i would be on my way to app.
when i got here i had no idea what to expect. i found my roommate on facebook and it ended up that she went to church with one of my lacrosse friends. i knew she was a nice but i didnt know about the whole living with a stranger. the first day was honestly the most awkward day of my life. i didnt really didnt know anybody and it was just me and barbara walking around campus asking the typical questions like what is your major what classes are you taking etc. now barbara is my best friend. we do basically everything together and even on breaks like fall and thanksgiving we hangout.
one thing i was nerves about was the athens little curse. at my high school when you go to college you end up hanging out with just a bunch or athens kids. at state there are 100 kids from my graduating class and they all hangout. all this kids at unc still all hangout. this is also true here at app. there is a group of kids all from athens that just hangout with each other. at first i did hangout witht this group but now im so happy i stepped out of it because i have met some of the coolest and most fun people.
school wise it really hasnt been as hard as i thought it was going to be. i do have to study more then i did in high school and im in the library more then i want to be but overall its not that bad.
one thing that i love about app is all the performances that they always have going on. i think i have been to 3 plays, 4 concerts and one open mike night. i didnt start going to these until the end of the year but honestly they are all so good and fun that i think i will bump up my attendance record for them next semester.
speaking of next semester, im taking calc 3, intro to lit, world civ 2, philosophy, society and ethics and marriage and family. to me that doesnt sound like a really bad semester the only class i dont really want to be taking is intro to lit because im not a huge english fan. also i hope that my professors are better next year then some that i had this semester. i did the whole rate my professer .com thing so hopefully no one lied and all my professors can really teacher well.
next semester i also have a trip that im planning on taking. its more at the end of the year but i cant wait for it. one of my friends and i are going with the school on a trip to wales. we are going to spend a month there doing service projects, backpacking/hiking, kayaking and staying with different families. from it i get 6 hours (which is one point that i kept telling my dad for him to let me go). i just cant wait till the end of the year now i just want to go so bad.
so just to wrap up alittle college has been more then i have ever expected. i have found some of my best friends, i feel at home here and i hate leaving every break. i could have expected anything better.